Pointy Flat Cast 012 - Making Videos on Youtube and Understanding Analytics

Duck Man & Oak Boy Take Over the World

4 years ago

Episode Notes

Hi there. Ducky Obrien and Oakface chilling like two ticks on a dog.

Today we go over the two most important questions in life: 1. Analytics? 2. Something about DMT

Show Notes: My process for creating content so far:

1 - Start off with a general idea, vision, or goal

2 - Make a plan based on your idea, i.e. write a script (especially for voice overs). For things that don't require a script, you can storyboard, make a rough outline, budget, etc.

3 - Execute on your plan. Record your voice overs in one recording session. Make a rough sketch, etc.

4 - Use your recording, sketch, etc. as a foundation. Now you know what you need to record, what kind of transitions you will need, etc.

5 - Write your title, thumbnail, descrptions, etc. as accurately as possible while getting the most impressions as you can, and engagements.

6 - Use analytics as a general guide, not a be-all end all.

a - Sharp drop represents people are leaving

b - short dip represents people are skipping over it

c - short spike represents people are coming back to it

d - high impressions but low engagement means you need better thumbnails.

In the words of Captain Taggart, Never Give Up, Never Surrender!

Anyways hope y'all enjoy the show, thanks so much for dropping by! If you want us to cover a topic in the future, send us an email!

Opening/Closing song - Cascade by Kubbi - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4ZjUoEKiLs

If you want to catch us on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/oakfacegaming/ https://www.twitch.tv/duckyobrien