Pointy Flat Cast 013 - Templates and Modular Design

Duck Man & Oak Boy Take Over the World

4 years ago

Episode Notes

Hi there. Ducky Obrien chilling like a kidney bean in sugar.

Today we go over the two most important questions in life: 1. Templates? 2. Something about DMT

Show Notes:

1 - Don't waste time on repetitive tasks! Use Templates for anything and everything possible (text, graphics, etc.)

2 - Modular Design for workflow - Break apart your workflow into segments so you can outsource them, or do them out of order when you don't have enough time at the moment.

3 - Externalize Your Design Process - This is necessary so when you start working as a team and/or hiring others, everyone is on the same page. Don't waste their time and don't waste your own by making sure you have avenues of communication and you are communicating what you want done clearly.

In the words of Captain Taggart, Never Give Up, Never Surrender!

Anyways hope y'all enjoy the show, thanks so much for dropping by! If you want us to cover a topic in the future, send us an email!

Opening/Closing song - Cascade by Kubbi - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4ZjUoEKiLs

If you want to catch us on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/duckyobrien