Pointy Flat Cast 017 - Short Term Pitfalls

Duck Man & Oak Boy Take Over the World

4 years ago

Episode Notes

Hi there. Ducky Obrien chilling like a tail on a rat.

Today we go over the two most important questions in life: 1. Facebook? 2. Something about DMT

Show Notes Short: - Facebook sucks, be careful of using it.


Show Notes Long: Focusing too much on short term gain can end up detrimental to your long term growth as a content creator. Don't tie yourself to one single platform. If conditions change on that platform, you may find your income stream cut off.

Ex. Selling on Amazon is risky if your product can be copied. Amazon will make more and sell it for cheaper and you will not be able to compete

Facebook is a black hole in that it's an ecosystem where you need to pay money for Facebook ads to increase exposure for content that is consumed only on Facebook. It's hard to redirect traffic to an external source and you can't really monetize traffic on Facebook itself.

There are no shortcuts. Don't put the cart before the horse so to speak. You need two things to succeed in the long run, the Discipline of Creation, and the Joy of Creation. To reach this, just follow ABC. Always Be Creating. When you're always creating, you get disciplined into being able to come up with ideas constantly and execute on that idea (may not always be good ideas). And if you can reach a point where you find true joy in creating, then you will never burn out.

In the words of Captain Taggart, Never Give Up, Never Surrender!

Anyways hope y'all enjoy the show, thanks so much for dropping by! If you want us to cover a topic in the future, send us an email!

Opening/Closing song - Cascade by Kubbi - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4ZjUoEKiLs

If you want to catch me on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/duckyobrien